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first aid, sudden circulatory arrest. resuscitation, first aid training


Nowadays, deaths due to illness and accidents are still among the leading causes of death, which is basically also due to the low proportion of people providing lay care, which is why the outcome of these events is often unfavorable. The most common event requiring lay intervention is sudden circulatory arrest, which is usually first noticed by a lay person (Bánfai, 2017). If intervention is not carried out within 3-5 minutes of the occurrence of the event, clinical death becomes an irreversible process, which is why it is of particular importance to change the attitude of the population in this direction, which must start to be developed in early childhood. Since 1995, there has been a law on the inclusion of first aid in the curriculum, at which time this was mainly done in the context of the 8th grade Biology subject (Methods to prevent the most common locomotor disorders and injuries. Treatment of minor bleeding injuries.), and since 2013, the New National Basic Curriculum has already been included in the 7th grade. He also made it part of the curriculum for 8th grade students (Ozsvárt & Vincze, 2022.). In the study, the authors would like to shed light on how and how the first aid in the current education and pedagogy system is used instead of in the education system, and to compare all this with other international practice, whether it would be necessary to think about the amendment, and whether it would be necessary to take any other measures. They do all this in the hope that by reviewing one good practice and adapting it to domestic conditions, so that as many of our fellow human beings in trouble as possible can continue to work among us for a long time thanks to the help they received in time.

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