The global events of recent years have highlighted the decisive role of the mental dimension of health. The importance of mental health came into focus even during the pandemic, through the concepts of contagion, fear of contagion and restrictions. Society's vulnerability to what is happening in the world faithfully reflects the growth rate of mental burdens, thereby increasing morbidity risks.
The Russian-Ukrainian war and the subsequent high inflation did not help to recover from the mental deficit caused by the epidemic situation, and even strengthened the reductive process.
In our study, we searched the answer to the extent to which the global crises of the last three years (pandemic, Russian-Ukrainian war, inflation) resulted in deterioration of mental health in the studied population. Our hypotheses focused on the relationship between gender, age, and school qualifications with the progression of the mental status, as well as the degree of mental damage caused by global events.
226 people were involved in the study, through an online questionnaire, so-called using the snowball method. The data were evaluated with the SPSS 29.0 program package.
Our results showed that the price-boom due to high inflation contributed the most to the progression of the mental health condition, however, we concluded that due to high prices, access to the elements that provide basic physiological needs may be at risk. When looking at the period of global challenges, uncertainty, fear, worry and stress appear as dominant attitudes.
The individual perception of experienced events, the resilience of people, and the knowledge and application of coping strategies play a big role in preserving our mental health. In the midst of global crises, individuality, the role played in the micro- and macro-environment, the social network and the importance of social involvement are being valued.
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