We have irrefutable evidence of the positive health effects of regular physical activity. Urban green areas provide a place for regular physical exercise, thus – in addition to their ecological importance – they also contribute to preserving the health and well-being of city dwellers.
Our present work is a literature review related to our already started empirical research in Szeged, the exploration of the sports recreation use of the Erzsébet-liget park in Szeged. It presents the importance and functions of urban parks, as well as their role in creating an excellent somatic, psychological, and social well-being of people, with particular attention to physical activity and some variables that influence all of this (e.g., accessibility, socio-demographic differences).
Even though the research results examining the relationship between physical activity and the availability and use of green spaces are quite diverse, in general, it can be said that easier access to outdoor recreation infrastructure can promote the increase of physical activity, so it can reduce the health risks of an inactive lifestyle, with it its social burdens. Considering the fact, the supply and demand side of sports, recreation, and health activities in the green areas of a residence is influenced by the natural, social, economic, and infrastructural factors which characterize the given settlement, there is a need for further exploratory studies that bring us closer to understanding the problem.
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