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sport at school, physical education, sport, chance, motivation


The contemporary context of growing up again raises the question of the role and importance of sport in harmonious development, health and learning of children and adolescents. The right to physical education, physical activity, and sports, according to the UNESCO’s Charter of Physical Education, represents a universal human right; practicing sports should be an integral part of everyday lives of children and adolescents and should occur in an encouraging and safe environment.

 In that sense, sport at school can be a part of the solution for overcoming harmful effects of increasingly sedentary lifestyle, a chance for young people to gain self-confidence, social skills and incentive for engaging in physical activity throughout their lives in a positive environment. Younger school children should also be included in school sports, because contemporary models of long-term athletic development state that this stage is extremely important for acquiring various sport skills.

The main reasons why school children decide to engage in sports at school include – entertainment, challenge, socializing, learning sport skills, belong to intrinsic motivation and are related to positive emotional, cognitive and behavioral consequences. This is why school sports should emphasize participation, advancement, fun, diversity and team spirit, whereas negative sides of professional sport, such as the imperative of victory, excessive pressure and violence remain outside school sports grounds. In addition to important benefits for the individual, school sport can also improve the effectiveness and ethos of school, public health and improved quality of education.

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