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health education, health behaviour, physical activity


The topic of our research is health education in primary schools. Measurements were taken in  two primary educational institutions in the spring of 2022.

Our main objectives:

  • To demonstrate the attitudes and knowledge of upper secondary school students towards what are the attitudes and knowledge of students in relation to other aspects of healthy lifestyles?
  • To provide information on the results of our study.
  • To demonstrate a strategy with realistic short and longer term goals, and the positive attitudes of the participants in the programme can lead to positive results in the field of health education in schools.

The study situation was exploratory, using a questionnaire consisting of 8 questions (with questions on health awareness and health behavior).

The measurement data showed that, with advancing age, students feel less physically healthy. In terms of nutrition, a mixed, varied diet appears in students' everyday lives.

The results show that from grade 7 onward samples, both girls and boys show a decrease in physical activity outside school activity levels. Based on our sample presented, after 7 grade period, we are "losing" young people.

We share the view that effective health education requires the involvement of educators and close cooperation between educators and students, regardless of qualifications.

This research has identified the most basic lifestyle and health-consciousness elements of the students studied of the most elementary health and well-being aspects of the students.

Pdf (Magyar)


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