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New Testament, abba, Our Father, fatherhood


In this study, we search for answers of the next questions connected with the theme of fatherhood in the New Testament. (1) What is the meaning of the statement that God is father? (2) What is the meaning of this talking about the fulfillment of the vocation of modern fathers?

            In the New Testament, the word πατήρ appears as the translation of Aramaic word abba in three verses (Mk 14:36; Rom 8:15; Gal 4:6), and it also has an emphasized role in the invocation of Our Father. The word father is used in the New Testament both in concrete-bodily and transfered-spirituality sense, and it has a transcendental aspect too: on one hand it refers to the Father of Jesus, on the other hand the Father of the followers of Christ, and thirdly it is connected with the Devil.

            According to the invocation of Our Father we can observe, that the Christian believers can think about God as their father. It is remarkable that Jesus uses this invocation in the one and only prayer, that was said for his disciples. Furthermore, it seems important, that Jesus in his High Priestly Prayer (Jn 17) calls God as father exclusively, twice he uses attributive („holy” and „righteous”). The fact, that the real name of our God is Father, is a serious hope and spiritual resources for Christian believers.

            Addressing and accepting God as a father is not at all self-evident. The father-scabs of our time affect countless people and it is feared that these wounds will be transmitted and reproduced. According to Saint Paul, the heavenly Father „from whom every family (…) is named” (Eph 3:15), is the Gifter and Pattern of parental vocation on the earth. Therefore, the more someone knows the Father, the greater he has a chance to become a good father. The parental aspect of God – which first of all represents Him – must also have an impact of the identity of Catholic fathers of our time.

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Szentírási helyek:

Ef 3,14: https://ujszov.hu/text?corpus=2&book=210&chapter=3&verse=14 (Letöltés: 2024.05.17.)

Ef 3,15: https://ujszov.hu/text?corpus=2&book=210&chapter=3&verse=15 (Letöltés: 2024.05.17.).

Mt 14,36 ὁ https://ujszov.hu/text?corpus=2&book=202&chapter=14&verse=36#!2020140360000 40. (Letöltés: 2024.05.15.).