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reading comprehension, text composing, systematic review, reflection


There has been considerably little interest in the Hungarian pedagogical literature towards the analyses of the connection between text composing and reading comprehension, while there are a number of relevant international experiences, and the common points of these skills were identified. Though, there are contributions from Hungary, which were rather theoretical publications, where the process of reflection was interpreted as a part of thinking, where composing and reading are connected.

It can be supposed that the success of reading comprehension depends on the success of text composing, and vice versa.

In our systematic literature review, we analysed nineteen English studies in detail, which were chosen in an objective, systematic selection process, and which are empirical studies in the topic of mothertongue skills. Moreover, we also presented four international review studies.

Our results confirm the clear connection between text composing and reading comprehension, and the importance of the common points (e.g. reflection) is growing. Because of that, reflection has to be interpreted in a more complex way, and this calls for the need to justify the interactive relationship in practice, and to identify the common components and their role.

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