The popularity and achievement of an educational institution is determined by its various characteristics, for example the institutional educational opportunities, the students’ achievement, competition, talent development and catch-up activities. All of these characteristics have an impact on who and why chooses a particular institution in the following years. So, it is worthwhile to examine the influence factors of the school choice, based on which students choose the given educational institution. From the teacher's point of view, this type of research is important to get to know the base and motivations of the students they teach.
In our study, we use the database of students (890 people) and teachers (100 people) in the research „Learning and teaching German in Hajdú-Bihar and Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg Counties 2018-2019”. We examine what secondary school selection factors influenced further studies in the given institution. The results are compared with the teachers’ responses to see how well they know their students from this viewpoint. The data was analyzed with SPSS program, with which we created two- and three-dimensional variance analyses. The following variables were included: taught/learned foreign language, the maintainer of the institution, and variables of the secondary school choice, which were evaluated on a five-point Likert scale.
In our study, we examine the following three hypotheses. (1) The answers of the language teachers are the same as their students, so they know the background of the secondary school choice. (2) The students’ and teachers’ answers of different foreign languages differ from on another for each foreign language. (3) The influence factors of secondary school choice differ from one maintainer to another. According to our results, the first hypothesis was not confirmed, the second and third were confirmed. We found less significant correlation between the teachers’ answers than in the case of the students’.
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