In a devalued world, the sense of life that builds community, promotes helping each other and openly embraces Christian values has a primary role. The religiousness of scouting is a great opportunity for the cooperation of denominations within the same religion, and even for interreligious dialogue alike. In this way, we simultaneously bring our scouts closer to God and teach them to accept and understand the followers of other religions or denominations. After the regime change in Hungary, the scout movement was reorganised, the great merit of which is that its leaders have gone back to its original roots, but they have also provided answers to new social challenges.
By using comparative methods of documentary analysis, the study analyzes the values associated with Sándor Sík in the 1920s and the virtues laid down by the Hungarian Scout Association today, assuming that we can find significant similarities.
In the educational process of scouting, both direct and indirect educational effects have prevailed and are still valid nowadays. The scout leaders presented the norms, ideas, ideals, goals and behavioural requirements of the scout life to the scouts in a way that was appropriate and clearly comprehensible for their age. The scouting method of the 21st century is very similar to that of its predecessors, obviously including the latest methodology as well.
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A Magyar Cserkészszövetség Egységes ifjúságnevelési kézikönyve