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children’s right, Court of guardians, children protection


The childrens right succession is an important exemplar to follow in the everyday life, also int he education, lawsuit case and int he family.

After The Childrens Right Compromission, the view points regarding that has speeded up, wich has treated the childrens as a valuable subjects, who has rights.

The next report is pointing ont he development and importance of childrens right, also give an examplar in action of the national legistlator and dispenser of justice.

There is a constant guandary regarding the childrens rights protection, how the law can protect all the rights while it controlls.

The most serious and importante children protection action is to take the child out of the family, which is the following decision for the interst of the child, in the same time it restricts some other childrens rights.

The court of guardians dose not have an easy job as all the decisions needs to balance with all the laws.

Just in the passed year, three laws become alive, wich enforces expressially the childrens expression of on opinion.

The national legistlation suits the Childrens Rights Compromission Requirement with this legistlation process, the union connected regulation of the unlawful child take out deserves a special highlights here again.

Brüssel IIb. Regulation, most importante part of this regulation is the protection of the law for the expression of an opinion. Prof. Zsuzsa Wopera has held a conference in between the 2023.06.15.-17. regarding the topic mention above and the following report contains some of the toughts.

PDF (Magyar)


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